Election Night 2020
The polls on the East Coast have been closed about two hours. No one knows yet who is going to be President.
I promised myself I wouldn’t shirk from all the tasks set before me, just because Greg passed to Heaven nearly four months ago. I have been quite disciplined with myself (work-wise) since I came down off that mountain (Sept 29, 2020) and controlling my emotions has been key to getting things done. Also deeply grateful to be a Christian which adds a lightness to my heart at unexpected times. Nonetheless, this day has been every bit as hard as I thought it would be. Writing tonight’s blog entry, and already intending to make it the “sticky” one that holds down the prize position of (more or less) explaining the writer’s reason for blogging in the first place, because when I finally get to leave from this theater of my life, I want to show what it was like as the Blue Wave’s Public Enemy Number #1. This is because I have a 628-page book on Amazon that details how corruptly Kamala Harris treated my family’s case in 2001 and I have no intention of shutting up about it post-election:
There’s also a free version @ http://online.anyflip.com/gdpn/xrdl/mobile/index.html#p=1
The current website I have for 2020: https://president46.org
Pretty much all tonight means to me is do I have to buy a new domain www.president47.org I really don’t know. I thought Biden was such a weak candidate, once he was picked, I made the tactical decision to say nothing else. Then when he picked Kamala Harris as his running mate, Greg had only been gone for a month. I was – and still am – numb from the loss. We were married for 27 years. Best friends. Partners in every way. I am doing my best to carry on because I know that’s what he would expect me to do. When I get to Heaven, I want him bragging on me like he always did.

One of those grim tasks was to re-register to run (actually did it on Election Day):
A souvenir shot from my Instagram of the 1st one I mailed in 2018:
A recent email from the FEC reminding me I don’t have to file re. 2020 election cycle if I didn’t raise more than $5,000 (I didn’t):
Some other things I wanted to show off, so long as I’m discussing my political life for this “sticky” post. This is an exchange on Twitter a couple nights ago.
That’s right. I got an apology. On Twitter. Yup. Anybody can raise hell on that platform, but I got an apology. Think about that for a minute. In this bitterly divided political environment.
Next topic up for discussion, GOOGLE IMAGES people (yes, an email from an actual person – see below) wrote me at least twice (apparently I missed the first time) and asked for a photo I’d be willing to license to them.
Oct 8, 2020:
Oct 16, 2020:
Then when I finally got around to doing it, well, the one I sent them (see below), it wasn’t presidential enough for them. Still mulling that one over.
Oct 30, 2020
I can’t say I have anything else they will approve of except this, but it was done in 1998:
And now for the last topic of discussion, before I go make another cup of tea, roll a joint, sit back silently on Twitter, and hope Americans got it together enough to make a woman I truly cannot stand our de facto President for the next four years, in that spirit, I’d like to show you this amusing piece of business.
This is the listing of my book on Amazon about Kamala Harris and how she and before her, Katherine Feinstein, daughter of the senator, crushed my family in 1998-2001.
Starting about Aug 16, 2020, it was page two of Amazon when you put Kamala Harris in the internal Amazon search engine. To see this is where it was listed, look in the search bar and to will say page=2 (or whatever it changed to).
Aug 16, 2020:
Here I took a screenshot of the bottom of the page, to show it was page two because I was just incredulous the book was climbing because it certainly wasn’t selling. I’ve sold maybe a dozen copies. As I said earlier, there’s a free colour copy in a nice pageflip software that can’t be downloaded http://online.anyflip.com/gdpn/xrdl/mobile/index.html#p=1 Three copies on Amazon sold during the election season. I can show bank statements for that. So it’s eyeballs, people just clicking and reading the description of the book that lifted up my 628-page tome of deep state detail about how Ms. Harris conducted herself in 2001.
Aug 16, 2020 (see the bottom of the page to see how close to her personally-written books I am):
Aug 19, 2020 it climbs almost to the top of page two of Ms. Harris’s book listing on Amazon. Again, look in the search bar for page=2, except here, I have moved up a bit from the day before:
Aug 25, 2020 down to page three (but I like the way Greg and I and our school bus we lived in look hanging out under the Obamas’ photo):
Aug 29, 2020 back up to page two (I had changed the size of the page to show how high up on the page I was):
Sept 1, 2020 (my 60th birthday) still on page two:
Sept 10, 2020 still on page two:
This is what my Amazon book description reads:
Sept 12, 2020 still on page two:
Sept 13, 2020, still on page two:
Sept 20, 2020, still on page two but please note something new: the JOURNAL above my book. That is going to be what saves them from the embarrassment of me making it to page one (with only a handful of sales!). It takes them a little while to catch on though. it was literally the only thing that gave me a giggle this entire political season.
Sept 21, 2020, still on page two:
Sept 22, 2020, still on page two:
Sept 26, 2020 ohhh dropped to page three:
I went out on my camping trip on Sept 23, 2020. Fell and broke my nose on Sept 25, was at my daughter’s house for internet on Sept 26, left the mountain on Sept 29. By the time I rolled into San Francisco with car trouble on Oct 14, the clever people on the Biden-Harris campaign had figured out that if they made some fake companies that all put out journals with different Kamala logos and demographics and phrases … go look for yourself on Amazon. It’s quite a compliment really. I am now firmly down on page 10 or 11, although once I did pop back up to page 7. I kid you not, that’s all it took to squish me down to an unnoticeable place in Ms. Harris’s history: a bunch of empty pages. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere.
(update Nov 5, 2020 my book is now on page 26…a ton of new journals and notebooks)
There are so many it boogles the mind. I do notice they change a lot, so I am assuming Amazon is taking them down as fast as the campaign puts them up.
This is the type of comments I was leaving on the Internet during the primaries; my Twitter account @the46thPresident is also full of them (this one is dated July 2019); as I said, once Biden was nominated, I was aghast at what a terrible candidate the party had chosen, so I shut up.
So now to close this blog, because I am little bored, but also because it is the first night of our 2024 campaign, I leave you with my passport photo when I was 6 years old. Now tell me, is that – or is that not – the look of a girl who knows she will set the world on fire when she is 64?