Hate Crime

S.O.S. for the women in Ocean Beach’s homeless community

The women are being raped out here. This is the beginning of me trying to speak truth-to-power. This is the email I just sent to the Supervisor’s staff who visited yesterday, helping my case at the Dept. of Homelessness be moved along. The Supervisor himself has kindly been out twice. Today, however, things took a bit of a turn.

To Ralph Lane @ Supervisor Gordon Mar

Re. matters discussed yesterday

I am writing you with the energy of having just been confronted *screaming across the street* by the girl I know to be forced into sexual intercourse multiple times by predatory men. I will repeat in writing what I said in person yesterday, there are at least two serial rapists hidden among the homeless community. I demand a safe place for these very, very damaged and in-danger women to park/ camp IMMEDIATELY.

I have literally made myself a target of whoever is doing this. Ten minutes ago, 9.30 am in the morning, I am yelling to her as she runs barefoot into Golden Gate Park, “I AM TELLING PEOPLE WHO WILL HELP. Tell us who. Please. Please.” I was weeping. I have no recourse but to write you this. I am 61, everyone out here knows I just got put in hospice for my breast cancer. I am SSI because I have mobility issues, so I often limp when I do my daily walks around the block. Furthermore, this futile battle with HSH for funds with my broke-down unrepaired situation has made me unpopular within the homeless community itself, a sitting duck, as we say back home. My RV could easily be broken into and it is well-known among the homeless community, that the police DO NOT RESPOND to homeless-on-homeless crime. And conveniently, every RV that could have been protective of me has been “moved on” due to the marathon Feb 6th.

All the things I promised I would send you, regarding my own situation, I will do so later today, but I needed to reach out with this immediately. I am making this an SOS entry on my blog and sending it on to the small activist community forming since the hit-and-run Feb 4th. I am also sending it to every single police email I can find, starting with the homeless patrol, right now.

I know my cancer feasts on the stress I just experienced. I will, however, not back down.

Ramona Mayon

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