How Long?

~ Crisis Timeline:

Please note this page is embedded with software that automatically updates the “days since” aspect.

1568 days since my husband of nearly three decades died in the first wave of COVID-19. He had liver cancer and was on the transplant list at UCSF.
1436 days since I asked San Francisco’s Dept. of Homelessness & Supportive Housing (HSH) for help. The HOT (Homeless Outreach Team) member I told my plans to laughed and said, “Oh no, we don’t do that kind of stuff.”
1427 days since I filed legal action for encampment sweep at Ocean Beach on 11.18.20 despite of CDC’s orders; no notice had been given.
1370 days since I was told “no” because I live in an RV which isn’t “permanent housing”. I had asked for help with repairs, DMV, and an expansion of my camping membership benefits at Thousand Trails.  See blog here
1288 days since the (required) case management call with deputy city attorney where I told him my conviction that the Unruh Act said an unpopular group such as mine (RV dwellers) should get “public accommodations” which isn’t just services like what I am asking for, but also sufficient parking sites, especially if the City expected to comply with the recent Boise ruling.
1287 days since the same “problem specialist” from the January rejection call, Regina Abadajos (from Episcopal Community Services), called to say I would be helped after all.  The call came exactly one day after my call with the deputy city attorney.  I was on my way back from getting a mammogram and had just been told half an hour earlier that I was “BI-RADS 5”, that is, extremely likely to have breast cancer.  This was confirmed by biopsy 4.22.21 and a mastectomy was scheduled for 6.23.21 and I was told I would need chemo before and radiation afterwards.


1250 days since I found an RV park that would take me sight unseen and a mobile mechanic willing to work on an older RV (and on the street).


1231 days since a second “problem specialist” at Episcopal Community Services, Deneen Jones, was given my case.  She poured molasses on it.  Literally, all progress stopped once she came on board.


1217 days since my mastectomy was canceled because the RV park hadn’t satisfied the worker with enough paperwork or phone calls.


1183 days since the “problem specialist” has had the RV park’s W9 plus a paper called a FAA: “Financial Assistance Agreement”.


1159 days since the “problem specialist” has had the nearly identical paper from the RV park called an “Intent to Rent”.


1145 days since I did an internal HSH grievance process.


1119 days since I did another complaint, this time including all the executives at Episcopal Community Services.  John Warner, the direct boss at Episcopal Community Services of these two “problem specialists” that have been shining me on since April, took over my case on 9.30.21.


1113 days since John Warner came to pick up my DMV paperworker.


1098 days since John Warner went to DMV and paid for the tags for the RV only, sending an email saying he would begin work on the tags for the SUV.  He said he would scan the paperwork from DMV but has not.  No mention was made of the repair work, only that I needed to get the smog done soon.


1098 days since Adult Protective Services was called in and I have been assigned an ongoing worker, at John Warner’s behest.  Why?  Because he is concerned I haven’t got the treatment started for my breast cancer.  Yeah, seriously.  You can’t make this stuff up.  Only in San Francisco. The very man in charge of the funds that I have been approved for 1287 days now (April 14, 2021).  He called Adult Protective Services on me.  She arrived about ten minutes before he did.


1082 days since I had a meltdown to a member of HOT as I explained how all the RV Park papers she has been ferrying back to the workers were never utilized: after August 20, they simply quit talking about the move to Mendocino and now they aren’t talking about the repairs, either. This is in spite of supposedly paying DMV on October 20, for the RV (not the SUV, which I try to drive as little as possible, due to its illegal status). I say supposedly because its been since Oct. 20th that I received an email stating it was done. He still has my original documents, so if the cops come, I only have copies and an email to show them. BACK TO THE MELTDOWN: I told HOT that the talk of putting me in a skilled nursing facility, as suggested by the Adult Protective Services worker, so I can have treatment is NOT an option. I told her ALL this situation is making me suicidal. She looked long and hard at me and then stopped her day completely and called in Carol Corbone, a medical social worker with the Dept. of Homelessness. She and the HOT team spent well over an hour helping me decompress. I deeply appreciate them. I also attribute falling apart to having had Marcus, the mover from Adult Protective Services, take away our old mattress so I can get the roof damage repaired in the loft area. It devestated me in a way I didn’t expect, because Marcus saw I was crying as he brought it out. He took the time to bow his head, say a silent prayer, and then look directly at me and say “Better days ahead.” I was so touched. What it also made me feel was the bleakness, the void of having had no funeral or memorial for my husband of nearly 28 years.

1065 days since I was informed by Adult Protective Services that my case was closed.


1056 days since I discovered that the ECS people haven’t paid the DMV as email of 10.20.21 said they did. The tape below is the phone call with the Dept. of Homelessness “Problem Solving” manager. I was told this info as part of a police + SFMTA rousting of mine and other RVs at 10.30 am on 12.01.21 at Great Highway.
1016 days since the police announce “move or be towed.”

1015 days since the ECS manager brought back my DMV papers after a frantic email. Only the RV was paid. He emailed his reason why the SUV wasn’t paid. I didn’t meet him there because my car door was broke. However, I have the same email thread he got and it clearly says the door had been fixed and I was ready to meet him. As far as the repairs, now I have to find a mechanic that “is not a friend of a friend, that is a licensed mechanic, has a legal place to do the repairs, and it comes in under the allotment amount.” I have never been told what that is.

992 days since HOT came out to tell all RVs on this street they will towed and offer us shelter beds in the event of.