What is “Intimidation of Occupation”?
Hate crimes against a gypsyTraveller. I am taking you ALL to court because you scare the hell out of me. I need my home to die in because I am already very sick. But mostly I am INSANE with the grief of losing my husband (and only friend) of 27 years. I am not a stable person right now. And what you did to me Dec 23, 2020 was even more HATEFUL than I had dealt with in Sacramento. No more. It stops here. Now. On this street. I am going to make it stop. I think I am that good of a writer. We’re gonna see, aren’t we?
This is a direct message to the angry neighbors across the street from where I am in my RV-home. Below is a legal study of federal protections for minorities. I am an America-born Scottish Traveller. We live on wheels before the car was invented or the first motorhome constructed. You are all bigots and I’m taking you to court. The whole city. Bigots and racists.
Yesterday (Feb 7, 2021), one of you (see photo below) screamed at a young white surfer in a white delivery-style van for the offence of parking “that piece of shit in front of my million-dollar house”.
I recognized your voice as the one who frequently yells late at night out your window “Get that RV piece of shit out of here.” You also were one of the ones I describe here as the reason I started this prolonged hunger strike.
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I went over and spoke to you (as I describe in this blog post) and here is what I promised to show you: the litigation I am bringing to federal court (in addition to the county court I am already in with this civil rights travesty. This is the paper posted on the back of my RV-home and front door. It has the county case number. Yours and the other neighbors’ threatening, harassing behavior has been reported to this judge. Also to the police, both local and the chief’s office. City Hall, too. Board of Supervisors. Etc. Etc. Etc.
I am an ethnic nomad. An American-born Scottish Traveller. I live this way because it is my heritage. I have always lived this way. Because of my ethnicity, that gives me the right to go before a federal judge and tell them about you too. Watch this page. Come back and check because I will upload all legal paper here so you can see I am deadly serious. I have been shitted on for the last time because of living on wheels. Before the end of this week, I will have paper filed in both courts and in front of the Human Rights Commission.
Don’t think I am just some hippie blowhard. Google my name. See what you find. I am gonna DO this. I am going to legalize RVs as a source of housing. I am going to force the City to open parks for vehicle dwellers. That’s where your anger ought to be directed towards: city policy. Look below to see a direct message from your mayor to me, published Jan 25, four days after I was told “no help for vehicle dwellers”. Read blog about it here.
See, that’s a violation of the Unruh Act. But what the MAYOR says its because I am from out-of-town. Mmmmmm hmmmmmmm. Well, I got married in this town in 1997. I got history here. As for recent stuff, well that’s easy, my husband was a patient at UCSF’s Liver Transplant Unit, when he found out he had liver cancer Sept 16, 2019. So yeah, this town is as much mine as anyone else’s. I know people here. I know how to get around here.
But don’t worry, you hate-filled neighbors, I am more than halfway to pulling myself up by the bootstraps. I will do this, just watch. This is my home and I love it. Sacramento county forced me out of it and into that wretched Project Roomkey for nearly four months. All light in the world went out for me July 7, 2020 when my love died. Then I wandered around the Sacramento valley, living in my SUV, after a stint at a daughter’s house in the mountains. My RV home was left to sit empty 9 months. It took everything I had to get it back in my possession. This photo represents the bravest moment of my life, on Dec 23, 2020, when I had it towed here … see the snow on the ground? That was my only chance to save my home.
I am doing the work. The day my (late) stimulus check arrives, I am buying new tires and paying my downpayment for where I am returning to. I have a plan. All I need from you, as fellow citizens of this country, is TIME and SPACE. The City’s Dept. of Homelessness and Supportive Housing’s ourright refusal to help a 60-year-old disabled woman (only income is SSI) who is newly widowed, who has a scary 2″ lump in her breast with nothing more than an offer of the Moscone Center as as shelter, that’s not only endangering my health, it’s also an 8th amendment violation in light of the Boise ruling. Again, telling a judge. More than one judge. Now do you really, really want to be part of this, bigot that you are? Bigots that you ALL are. I am gonna prove this is a hate crime, both the lack of help and the actual laws that violate my FEDERAL rights both to housing and to free travel.
As far as this theory of hers goes, read https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/526/489/
I already made the cover of the Street Sheet (February issue) and my mobile mechanic got the RV running with a sizable donation from one of the staff at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area. What that means to YOU is that I have folks interested, folks who might even get more interested if they see I have even a remote shot at cracking the financial iceberg around homelessness, by forcing ALL cities to install RV parks for the ethnic gypsies like me in their midst. That’s the goal of my litigation.
Oh and I forgot to tell you the best part of the Fair Housing Act. It gives me the right to ask for an attorney to be appointed.
So they’ll ALL be watching because I have just barely gotten started on this plan to be a marytr for the cause of liberating MY people, that is, nomadic people and their homes from street cleansing pogroms like the one you have planned for me. You flat said it out your mouth yesterday. See blog. I am telling the judge. Previously he said perhaps I should ask for civil restraining order. Like I said earlier, just check back here for the paper once I file it. You can’t behave like this in America 2021. No. Just no. NO. Not anymore. Not in a deadly pandemic. I am putting my LIFE on the line for my housing rights. So let’s do this right……in a courtroom where things can be named what they are and accountability can be found.
It’s a criminal offence to harass people for using their housing rights, if you are doing it due to their ethnicity. I live in an RV because I am a gypsyTraveller. I published a book of essays about it, which is on Amazon. Also I am an Independent Researcher on Academia with a couple of papers I wrote about GRT Hate. GRT is the acronym used in Europe for our kind. It stands for Gypsy-Roma-Traveller. Two “L”‘s means the ethnic label. Google it. You’ll see, you bigot.
Back to being sued by me. It’s not just criminal behavior to intimidate me in the occupancy of my home, I can directly sue you. I will be able to subpoena police records of who has called into the police to complain since Dec 23, 2020.
To read the blog about how this goes: http://ramona-mayon.com/blog-this