Ramona Mayon
finishing the poem

Why I Will Never Succeed in Politics

    I was forced into a political life by circumstances beyond my control.  San Francisco politics, where they like to openly brag, is bloodsport here.  Most people are spectators but a (now long-dead) fireman’s crime made me have to choose between being his victim or his adversary.   How little I understood Christmas 1997.


    Oh, yes, I built a wall of words around my family, 1998-2001, to protect them from the fall-out of having (successfully) sued the sacred cow charity of the local firefighters union for mail theft, among other things.  Said fireman called in the CPS and we were off to the races.  My husband and I spent three long brutal years in a kangaroo court.  We never lost physical custody, only legal.  We – not CPS – demanded three full trials to make the paper available to me, to use to build that wall of words.  I have links to the book(s) and some of the papers I wrote at www.ramona-mayon.com/welcome-to-the-shop

    It’s simply not my fault that in choosing to fight back (Christmas 1997), I came face-to-face with the leviathan that is the Democratic Machine.  Instead of letting go and getting on with my life, as advised by the FBI the three times I went there, nooooooooo, I couldn’t let go of how these officials could so easily (and in court), lie about us.  Easily proven lies.  So I assembled 628 pages consisting mostly of the City’s own hard paper (published on a website in 2010 and then as an actual paperbound book on Amazon in 2016), titled Collected Letters from the Abyss.


    It also isn’t my fault that the first lead prosecutor who oversaw the 40+ lies and manufacturing of evidence and threats was the daughter of Senator Dianne Feinstein: Katherine, who went on to become a judge.  Nor is it my fault that the second person to oversee the illegal prosecution of my motherhood has gone on to become the de facto President of our country.


    What IS my responsibility is how I reacted when I saw that I (and my story about how Kamala Harris came be in my life as a real actor) was going to be used by the insane people known as QAnon, because my history proves the Deep State is alive and well.   By registering to run for President,  I sucked all the oxygen out of the situation.   No one would dare rattle my cage.


    As I sit here contemplating life, on day #20 of a Hunger Strike, with some interesting (and kind) people being more supportive than I expected, I do feel the need to try to explain why I appear so flamboyant on Google.  I was not running for Prez as much as deflecting interest from QAnon.  Why did I re-register Nov 3rd?  Now that IS a good question.  I did it because I want to continue keeping this wall of words solidly around me, protecting me, now that the leviathan has lifted its ugly head and looked my way.


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