• Gratitude


    Guy just walked by and laughed to his companion,  quoting my only remaining sign: Intimidation of Occupation.   He said “Looks like somebody is pushing back”.  Then he yells, like a rebel cry, “SOLIDARITY!”. Thanks, dude, I need it.   FUNDRAISER @ https://gofund.me/8731b791

  • finishing the poem,  Gratitude

    Yelled at just after dark last night

    Day #50 of my protest.  I wrote the SFPD officer who gave me his card.  This was what he wrote me back this morning.   * These are the new signs I wrote last night.  Another neighbor was watching while I put them up at daybreak.  The signs also indicate my new legal strategy.  The last photo shows the office I have to work out of.  Do I look like someone who is going to quit?  👀 * * * * *   FUNDRAISER   *

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  • finishing the poem,  Gratitude

    My Protest is on Cover of SF Street Sheet Feb 1st, 2021

    Deep gratitude for the support…today is day #41 of my hunger strike and no end in sight.  No services.  No help.  No care.   As the Jan 25th, 2021 video below of Mayor London Breed shows, any “out-of-towners” like me can just go away now.  I have no doubt in my mind this was a response to my civil rights lawsuit MAYON v CCSF #CGC-20-588010 filed Nov 25th, 2020.  However, the denial of services came on Jan 21st.   That is fine.  I came here knowing I would have to pull myself up by my own bootstraps.  Which is exactly what I am doing (with the help of a very…

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