• finishing the poem


    Up at 4am.  Cancer sweats are a real thing.   Practicing my (lifelong) morning ritual of gratitude which is simply writing in my journal, what God needs to hear me say about what He’s done for me in the past 24 hours.   He gave me courage (once again) to confront a corrupt agency simply because He put me back in my home and told me who – and how – to ask for help, because He knew they would say no in a way that incensed me and I would dig down deep and resist.  Yesterday’s email to them included  this PDF 9 months Written Communications with ECS_ HSH_ HOT…

  • finishing the poem,  Gratitude

    Yelled at just after dark last night

    Day #50 of my protest.  I wrote the SFPD officer who gave me his card.  This was what he wrote me back this morning.   * These are the new signs I wrote last night.  Another neighbor was watching while I put them up at daybreak.  The signs also indicate my new legal strategy.  The last photo shows the office I have to work out of.  Do I look like someone who is going to quit?  👀 * * * * *   FUNDRAISER   *

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  • finishing the poem,  Gratitude

    My Protest is on Cover of SF Street Sheet Feb 1st, 2021

    Deep gratitude for the support…today is day #41 of my hunger strike and no end in sight.  No services.  No help.  No care.   As the Jan 25th, 2021 video below of Mayor London Breed shows, any “out-of-towners” like me can just go away now.  I have no doubt in my mind this was a response to my civil rights lawsuit MAYON v CCSF #CGC-20-588010 filed Nov 25th, 2020.  However, the denial of services came on Jan 21st.   That is fine.  I came here knowing I would have to pull myself up by my own bootstraps.  Which is exactly what I am doing (with the help of a very…

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  • finishing the poem

    Day #27

        Yesterday mechanic got to the point where he thinks we can smog next weekend.  He says he will find the place to take it.  Still tracking down what is making the battery drain overnight.  He’s a great mobile mechanic.  After-dark, side-of-the-road work doesn’t bother him at all.       Still no services from the City.  Still no stimulus check.  Either one of those and I would be out of here Feb 1st.  Without,  I dunno.  But I did the IRS requires filing, and legally, he is able to get a stimulus too, even though he died July 7, 2020: *   *     I have cried…

  • finishing the poem

    Food Intake/ second ten days

        As I have said to all official people who have asked about my health, I am consuming chicken soup broth; kefir or yogurt; raw honey (due to fighting bad tooth infection); 3 oz shots of milk with a spoon of Orgain protein powder, once or twice a day; a cup of rice before bed so I can sleep, down to 1 cup of black tea with sugar and milk (usually drink 6 to 8).  I take a vitamin.  If I have to do a mentally-intensive thing (like the court hearing), I will take a tablespoon of peanut butter for the protein.  I am not suicidal.   I am angry.…

  • Ramona Mayon
    finishing the poem

    Why I Will Never Succeed in Politics

        I was forced into a political life by circumstances beyond my control.  San Francisco politics, where they like to openly brag, is bloodsport here.  Most people are spectators but a (now long-dead) fireman’s crime made me have to choose between being his victim or his adversary.   How little I understood Christmas 1997.       Oh, yes, I built a wall of words around my family, 1998-2001, to protect them from the fall-out of having (successfully) sued the sacred cow charity of the local firefighters union for mail theft, among other things.  Said fireman called in the CPS and we were off to the races.  My husband and…

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  • finishing the poem

    Election Night 2020

    The polls on the East Coast have been closed about two hours.  No one knows yet who is going to be President.   I promised myself I wouldn’t shirk from all the tasks set before me, just because Greg passed to Heaven nearly four months ago.  I have been quite disciplined with myself (work-wise) since I came down off that mountain (Sept 29, 2020) and controlling my emotions has been key to getting things done.  Also deeply grateful to be a Christian which adds a lightness to my heart at unexpected times.  Nonetheless, this day has been every bit as hard as I thought it would be.  Writing tonight’s blog…