• Politics

    Day #14 Hunger Strike/ Ocean Beach

    Paper I just filed for court hearing tomorrow (TRO request):Declaration of Ramona Mayon 1.05.21 Also filed as exhibits: Mayon RV Rehousing Plan – Google Drive and Pence Letter — RV Industry Association — March 18, 2020 (Dec 29 filing ex parte application 1.8.21 – Google Drive) About midnight a man, came out and yelled at my RV.  That’s what made me get up and write (again) to the court. This is a hate crime because its about WHAT I am: a vehicle dweller.   City’s response  Opposition to TRO      

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  • Politics

    Ten Days of Fear

    Sunday is a day of rest.  It’s the only one of the commandments I have a hard time with.  About seven or eight years ago, I read a passage in the Old Testament about how infuriated God gets over it, too.  I started really trying to observe the Sabbath.  It’s harder than it looks.   I miss him the most on Sundays.  I feel him constantly,  especially now that I am back in our home, using our things, living in his pajamas. Tiny comfort in the face of how I am being told by police and neighbors that I must leave or be towed.  Well, until next Saturday, I can’t…

  • Revolutionary Thoughts

    Food intake/ past 10 days

    One of the people I met at homeless encampment seems particularly fascinated by the whole concept of “starving for attention”, as she puts it.   I observe Lent every year for the past 25 years so that gives the ability to say to my body what to do in terms of consumption.   I also know the importance of slowly tapering intake of caffeine, which I am usually a heavy consumer of.   Daily, I have three cups of black tea, with milk and sugar.  If I feel a painful hunger, I eat two to three saltines. I take a spoon of raw local honey (fighting bad tooth infection. Appt in…

  • Homeless Industry

    HOT team interview report 12.30.20

    They arrived at 2 pm with a housing assessment specialist.  They brought water bottles again.  So I don’t have to leave the RV at all today.  I am afraid to leave even for that.  Someone from the encampment came by earlier and took the briefs to mail.  Last hearing the judge asked me to put the videos of the “sweep” on a thumb drive to submit properly,  so the record is complete.  Since then there has been a second “sweep” and I included on the thumb drive, the videos of that also.   The HOT team themselves moved out of hearing range for the interview which was the standard questionnaire…

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  • Politics

    Day #6 Hunger Strike San Francisco #CGC-20-588010

    Ramona Mayon v. City & County of San Francisco, a civil rights action for equal housing rights, in spite of the home of choice having wheels, instead of a cement foundation.  It was filed the day before Thanksgiving.   Got a polite visit from SFPD #1457 who told me that I could expect to be towed at any time (not the police, but DPT).  His advice was that if I was as ill as I said I am, then go to the hospital.   He kept asking if I wanted him to call an ambulance.  Police can be so sarcastic sometimes – always remain calm in face of that.  They teach…

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  • The Game Plan

    Confronting Hate

    💔  I am creating a memorial to celebrate the life of my husband who passed July 7, 2020 in a FEMA death camp at CalExpo in Sacramento.  He died a broken-hearted man.  I absolutely MUST memorialize that.  I can’t live with the guilt otherwise.  I must save our home AND scatter his ashes at sea by his 70th birthday. CRISIS began when California’s Gov. Newsom recklessly, callously ordered the closure of the campgrounds March 18, 2020.  There was zero compassion on part of Sacramento County Park Rangers who forced us to abandon our RV home inside Sherman Island County Park, leaving my husband of 27 years to die on July…

  • Revolutionary Thoughts

    Why a Hunger Strike?

        Because, frankly, I was terrified by how quickly, easily and communally, I became the object of such disgust and derision that 8 to 10 of the good people of San Francisco who live across the street on Great Highway between Riveria and Santiago,  on Dec 23, 2020 @ 2.45 pm committed a hate crime by coming out their houses, yelling, shouting obscenities and hissing.  Of course I felt very threatened as I was weeping as the RV arrived, with my husband’s ashes in it; the AAA driver was visibly alarmed when I told him that the remains were in there, and he left immediately, neither parking the rig…

  • Ramona Mayon
    finishing the poem

    Why I Will Never Succeed in Politics

        I was forced into a political life by circumstances beyond my control.  San Francisco politics, where they like to openly brag, is bloodsport here.  Most people are spectators but a (now long-dead) fireman’s crime made me have to choose between being his victim or his adversary.   How little I understood Christmas 1997.       Oh, yes, I built a wall of words around my family, 1998-2001, to protect them from the fall-out of having (successfully) sued the sacred cow charity of the local firefighters union for mail theft, among other things.  Said fireman called in the CPS and we were off to the races.  My husband and…

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  • finishing the poem

    Election Night 2020

    The polls on the East Coast have been closed about two hours.  No one knows yet who is going to be President.   I promised myself I wouldn’t shirk from all the tasks set before me, just because Greg passed to Heaven nearly four months ago.  I have been quite disciplined with myself (work-wise) since I came down off that mountain (Sept 29, 2020) and controlling my emotions has been key to getting things done.  Also deeply grateful to be a Christian which adds a lightness to my heart at unexpected times.  Nonetheless, this day has been every bit as hard as I thought it would be.  Writing tonight’s blog…