• Revolutionary Thoughts

    Housing Rights?

    A couple of teenagers just walked by and I heard one say (of my signs), “Housing rights? What does that mean?”  It means that I am stranded in a city that thinks it’s okay to label me a criminal at 10 pm for living in my RV, which has been my home for eight years.  It means I am on a street where the neighbors hate me and have banned “oversized vehicles” because we on their street.  No other reason.  They come and yell outside my door, “I am fighting to get you towed.”  I am here because I have nowhere else to shelter-in-place.  This is a pandemic, for crying…

  • Politics

    To the Passersby whom I hear calling to report me and ask for a well-check

    The City refuses to help as of Jan 21, 2021.  I am doing the repairs on my own.  RV is now running again, has brakes again. Tires next. Waiting on stimulus like everyone else.  I remain in fear of being towed.  My husband died in July of liver cancer with COVID injuries. This RV was our home for 8 years & contains his ashes and every memory I have of him. I will be returning to Sacramento valley.   My diet continues to be the same as stated in other blogs.  I plan to hunger strike until I can safely leave here.  I am that afraid of you people.  …

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  • Litigation

    “I’m going to fight to get your ass towed.”

    8 a.m. some random man just walked up to my living room window and yelled that. Can’t tell if this is the guy from down on Santiago where I was til the brakes got fixed.  Sounds just like him.  But then again, it could be a new guy.  All angry, rich, entitled, white men sound alike.   What is wrong with humanity?  It’s a pandemic.  I am too sick for any of this.  And I miss my husband terribly.  I can’t drive this RV.  I can barely drive the damn SUV.  I just got license in August.   Greg did all the driving.   However, my mobile mechanic will be here…

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  • The Game Plan

    On the move again

    Final bit done on this phase of the job.  Moved up three blocks last night.  That felt good.  On Great Highway and Vincente.  Halfway home.  As mechanic said, I kept my word to local cop who likes to “check in” on me.  He’s been coming around or emailing since I began my hunger strike.  I wrote saying I was moving because of hate and told him about the neighbor at Santiago coming to my door and yelling (wrote a blog).   There is a guy outside right now as I type this, screaming in fury into a phone about me. So hey, dude, listen, on here, further below is the…

  • Revolutionary Thoughts

    Food Intake these past twenty or so days

    Because Lent is coming next week, and I am extremely religious, it didnt seem right to bear down hard on this hunger strike until afterwards.  Lent is about Christ.  And so therefore  I will continue to adhere to the 1 cup orange or apple juice, 1 egg, 1 bread, 1 TBsp butter, 1 small bottle of kefir in the day.  At night its rice or chicken broth. Handful of nuts. 3 prunes. Two cups of black tea.  And a fish oil based monster vitamin.  Similar to the “Daniel” fast.  All along, I am directing my fast to God, not the political establishment.  I ask His protection while I write.  It…

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  • finishing the poem,  Gratitude

    Yelled at just after dark last night

    Day #50 of my protest.  I wrote the SFPD officer who gave me his card.  This was what he wrote me back this morning.   * These are the new signs I wrote last night.  Another neighbor was watching while I put them up at daybreak.  The signs also indicate my new legal strategy.  The last photo shows the office I have to work out of.  Do I look like someone who is going to quit?  👀 * * * * *   FUNDRAISER   *

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  • Homeless Industry,  Litigation

    Scary, Angry, White, Rich Neighbor

    Guy in the photo stomping away was yelling at driver of white delivery-style truck: “Why would you park that piece of shit in front of my million-dollar house?”   The driver, a white surfer, just laughed and walked away.   I was already out there with my camera.  I recognized the voice as the same one that yells “Get that RV piece of shit out of here or else!” every three or four nights out his window,  just after 10 pm usually.  As he turned back to glare at surfer dude, I pointed to the HUNGER STRIKE sign in my RV window.  He yells at me, “You will be gone too. …

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  • finishing the poem,  Gratitude

    My Protest is on Cover of SF Street Sheet Feb 1st, 2021

    Deep gratitude for the support…today is day #41 of my hunger strike and no end in sight.  No services.  No help.  No care.   As the Jan 25th, 2021 video below of Mayor London Breed shows, any “out-of-towners” like me can just go away now.  I have no doubt in my mind this was a response to my civil rights lawsuit MAYON v CCSF #CGC-20-588010 filed Nov 25th, 2020.  However, the denial of services came on Jan 21st.   That is fine.  I came here knowing I would have to pull myself up by my own bootstraps.  Which is exactly what I am doing (with the help of a very…

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  • Revolutionary Thoughts

    A Foreigner’s Take on My Hunger Strike

        30 days in, I don’t interact much with the public.  This has to be the most low key protest San Francisco has ever had.  And I like it that way.  Ima get what I want, just enough time to repair and go.  What I am doing in court, that’s what counts.  The hunger strike is more of a threatening posture.  It also counts (greatly) with God.  I find that aspect heartening.     So I am outside getting the solar panel hooked up for the day, and an Asian man about my age, very thick accent so I know he isn’t native-born, asks me what it’s all about,…

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