Problem Solving Specialist called.
Let me be clear. These are my problems and they are pretty damn simple: Husband of 27 years died six months ago (need grief counseling) RV-home needs mechanic (already paid him $450 these past 4 weeks and he is committed to doing entire project valued in estimate to City that they asked for: $2000 – 450 = $1550 … RV runs now and has been reparked properly half a block from original AAA drop-off Dec 23rd) Two front tires ($600) Panel on front loft needs work ($300) Roof leaks and floor underneath that needs redoing ($700) Smog and DMV Downpayment at campground system so I can stay…
Day #27
Yesterday mechanic got to the point where he thinks we can smog next weekend. He says he will find the place to take it. Still tracking down what is making the battery drain overnight. He’s a great mobile mechanic. After-dark, side-of-the-road work doesn’t bother him at all. Still no services from the City. Still no stimulus check. Either one of those and I would be out of here Feb 1st. Without, I dunno. But I did the IRS requires filing, and legally, he is able to get a stimulus too, even though he died July 7, 2020: * * I have cried…
Food Intake/ second ten days
As I have said to all official people who have asked about my health, I am consuming chicken soup broth; kefir or yogurt; raw honey (due to fighting bad tooth infection); 3 oz shots of milk with a spoon of Orgain protein powder, once or twice a day; a cup of rice before bed so I can sleep, down to 1 cup of black tea with sugar and milk (usually drink 6 to 8). I take a vitamin. If I have to do a mentally-intensive thing (like the court hearing), I will take a tablespoon of peanut butter for the protein. I am not suicidal. I am angry.…
Day #22 – HOT team visit
In the name of honest reporting from the front line, one of the HOT team members just now stopped by (3rd visit since I began hunger strike, including housing assessment lady) and we had a friendly talk about how nice life would be if there actually help for the vehicle dwellers. She did, encouragingly, say she’d be back tomorrow with the name of the charity that helps with smog and DMV fees. I told her the progress made so far. I also explained my stimulus $ hadnt come in yet, see screenshot below. I show this just because I need all to know I am using…
Press Release
You know how a person in grief becomes unhinged and focuses so passionately on what killed their loved one, they changed some segment of the law or society. Well, that’s happening to me. On Dec 23, 2020, at 2:30 pm, I had enough. I ate my last meal that night. Sausage links, melted cheddar on English muffins, a cold can of coca-cola, a big hunk of Safeway’s sock-it-to-me cake (the rest I gave away because I hate to see bakery goods go stale). Started blogging @ www.ramona-mayon.com/blog-this I’d rather die than live like this, made a criminal every night at 10 pm because I live on…
Day #19 almost halfway there
I set Feb 1 as my goal post because I knew I could easily fast 40 days as I observe Lent every year for the past twenty. On a practical note, I also set my end date as Feb 1 because that will give me my full SSI check to buy tires, plus pay a driver to get me out of Bay area, and pay all fees. Goal is to get mechanical work done during the Hunger Strike itself, because its point is to keep neighbors at bay and authorities understanding there IS a gameplan. Those were the words were used by the last cop I talked…
Sweet Progress
Mechanic came. I gave him half the donation fund. He was kind enough to ask if I could afford it, maybe I needed it more? I was so touched. I told him immediately that I needed him to keep buying parts and I would make sure I had some money every time I saw him, I am saving for smog fee, then DMV. Just keep working please just get me out of this hate zone I landed upside in, and I swear I will make it right on the other end of this tunnel. He is completely on board and I also like how he comes in middle-of-the-night…
Nice cop
This is mildly alarming. I heard that infernal radio squawk that says a cop is near. That noise. Ugh. I went out to explain how I had a plan and mobile mechanic is coming Saturday and HOT team is involved but hasn’t said they will help pay… I was rattling on, trying to get ahead of the ticket he was about to write. Before I could get it out my mouth to say it all, he shuts me up and says he will go across the street to tell everyone I have a gameplan. I had to shut up, out of sheer shock. He laughed at the look on my…
Waiting for Court to Start
Sitting here, shaking, because cops were just here. By the time I got my boots on, mask in place and lawsuit in hand, they had already left. But the sound of them out there, the crackle of radios, the sheer threat of them, enough to leave me shaking. They were gone by time I got outside, which made it worse. This is part of the City’s official response re. a police tow (it’s SFMTA that does/ not SFPD, generally, so this isn’t really what I need for reassurance) Cox Decl with Ex A Today is my 3rd appearance at 11 am, in the case #CGC-20-588010 and this is my…
* Court was 11 am. Lasted 12 minutes. This photo was taken right before 2 pm. This was the cop who wrote the first ticket. Only ticket so far. His patrol car was double parked halfway up the street. Red and blues flashing. He went door-to-door with a clipboard in the mini-projects over there. I wonder if the visit has anything to do with the combo of words I used with the judge: “World War 2 … Gypsies … Night of the Shattering Glass”. I also thought that I made a good legal point when the judge tried to tell me the lawsuit…